I can't even name how many times in my 24-year-old life that I've heard the world was ending tomorrow.
Some people have laughed, while others have been cautious and frightened, buying eggs, milk and bread in preparation for "the end of the world." To my fellow people of faith..believers, the Bible lays out how the world is going to end. As theatrical as the movies have made it, I often wonder if the world truly is ending...slowly--not in the fashion of the abrupt halt that everyone thinks it should come to.
When a relationship ends, it's usually not-so-abruptly. The signs of demise are there before the ultimate end all of the love affair. Lovers and lusters just choose not to see it.
Things are changing in the world...and don't act like you haven't noticed. What was once societal taboo is now acceptable. When someone is doing the opposite, they're often judged more harshly for not conforming to a "changed and changing society" around them. Having a significant other and moving in together with no real commitment, that's normal. Praising the increase of a secularity dominated country? Great. But is it really? I live my life by what I think is right but I often almost feel embarrassed to share what I'm not doing and how I choose to live my life. I get labeled as "cute" or "sweet"..."old-school," "old-fashioned," and even a rarity. ( Yes, I have actually been called all of these.) But the opposite just gets a simple nod. Everyone's doing it. It's just the way things are...but does that make it right?
What triggered this post was last night while I was watching an episode of Wendy Williams. She was describing a young actor and she mentioned ( I'm not sure why) that he was a virgin. Laughter resounded across the audience. I couldn't see why the fact that a 19-year-old single, attractive guy would get laughed at for NOT being sexually active. Wendy told the audience not to laugh, that she commended the young man for not complicating his life with sex at age 19. I couldn't get over how quick the audience was to laugh at the young man for abstaining from sex? Is it really that funny? I reflected on the world changing around me and maybe it truly is ending...I guess until then, I'll just dance and attempt to pretend like nothing is happening.
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