written by: stacia_doss.
*Cracks knuckles*
Its been a while since I’ve written an entry. I apologize to any followers of this blog who’ve been anticipating a new post, but life has been so busy lately!
I want to talk about…politics.
Remember this ignorant statement made by Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL) a while back: “Media protect Obama because he is black, liberal?” For nearly a year, if not more, most of the news reports I’ve seen have been negatively reflected upon President Obama. And no, I’m not just talking about Fox News and other conservative news and radio stations or publications. I am referencing ALL of them.
That baloney statement was made by Rep. Walsh in September. While negative Obama articles, polls, and general reports continued to hit the web, television, radio, and the steps of Americans across the country, no one seemed to refute his statement. Of course, the evidence was right there in front of you through all of those mediums, but earlier this week, I finally saw actual proof of the opposite in this study released by CBS (and the Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism). The title: “Study finds harsh media coverage for Obama.” Well, DUH!?
My mind is open to hearing what all the candidates have to say. So I took the time to watch the bickering and arguing on the Western Republican Presidential Debate that aired Tuesday night on CNN, which took place in Las Vegas, Nevada. No one seemed to be able to say anything about the future. Each candidate seemed to only be focusing on themselves and each others’ pasts, (especially Mitt Romney and Rick Perry...and Mitt Romney and____well, basically anyone else who was on stage). Except for Herman Cain, of course, defending his 9-9-9 plan, and Michelle Bachmann who seemed to do nothing but continue to go off a long list of how terrible and evil President Obama is. Buffoonery at its best occurred within the time frame that I watched the debate, and to sum it up, CNN’s David Gergen, among others said “The Obama campaign was the winner of tonight’s debate.”
Back to my original topic: the media. It amazes me how easily people are swayed by the media, but I’m starting to realize that Americans aren’t as gullible as television and various publications make them appear to be. Mostly every report I’ve seen (until a recent one aired on CBS) has shown people shouting out how much they dislike the President, he’s bad for this country, and so on…but what about those who are for him? I know they have to exist. Everyone can’t be anti-Obama, but they seem to be keeping their thoughts to themselves and out of the media’s reach. Various emails and pages run by members of the Obama campaign show supporters do exist and in large numbers, but does the media highlight that? No. Never underestimate the power of a silent voter.
In the words of Confucius, “Silence is the true friend that never betrays.”