Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The state of Americans on the State of the Union

Courtesy of:
 article by:stacia_doss.
Aside from listening to the Republican Response and hearing from political analysts, I find that the best way for me to see what America thought of President Obama's State of the Union speech is through comments.

Many people like me now get their news "non-traditionally",meaning not from a newspaper at my front door or by cutting on the television. We look online. We read articles and comment.

From what I have seen from this Yahoo! article is a good variety of comments both for and against President Obama. However, those who didn't compose their own comments seemed to have said the most and showed the most disgust. What I'm saying is that there were several thumbs up on negative comments, and more thumbs down on the positive ones.

How about CNN? What Americans had to say about this article were generally in support of Obama's speech. But then again, CNN is often accused of having liberal bias.

So...what do I think?

I think it was a great State of the Union address, overall. There were a few things analysts mentioned prior to the speech that they said were "musts" for him to discuss, such as gun control and global warming. However, I feel he touched on very important issues...the issues that the majority of Americans feel are most vital at this time.

It was pretty predictable,(and I knew this before he even said a word), that many reactions would be negative. It doesn't matter what he or anyone else says that is positive, if things aren't happening as he speaks about them, some people are just not going to be convinced. Consequently, the false hope and promises the Republicans are making ( to completely oppose Obama) aren't any better than those the Democrats have promised and have yet made true. They just sound better to the American people right now because Republicans haven't had the chance to show us that most of their agenda can also not be done in the blink of an eye.

What I read from the comments were a lot of people saying that he was speaking on promises he can't keep..they almost read as if the speech should have never been made. Well, the point of the State of the Union address is to speak the truth with motivation and hope for a prosperous future. I feel he did that eloquently. Anyone in the position would have done the same..not a hopeless speech full of negative and hostile rhetoric. That wouldn't be very motivating, would it?

I'd like to know what you think.

Friday, January 21, 2011

A bunch of nothing...

written by:stacia_doss
So much has been going on politically and entertainment-wise, but I just haven't felt the need to comment on it. However, I must address a few things.

1) Repeal
2) American Idol
3) NFL

The House voted Wednesday to repeal President Obama's health care overhaul. But many say it is a waste of time. It is unlikely that it will pass in the Senate, and the president has vowed to veto it if it lands on his desk. So now I ask, what is the point? There are more than a dozen issues that should be addressed right now. It took forever for health care reform to pass in the first place. So why not try to change it? Republicans might be more successful with that strategy, but they don't seem to even want to consider that...

I boycotted against watching American Idol, which premiered this Wednesday night. With 2 new judges, Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler, I wonder how the show has changed. (If you want to know my story with the show, read this.)

I have vowed not to watch NFL for a while. And if I do, I won't be cheering for anyone. During this season, I have placed myself in the position of so many other crazy fans across the world...emotionally upset over losses and terrible calls. Is it worth all that? I can honestly say, I've never felt as passionate about watching sports as I have this year. This is how I have grown to consume my time? I need to return to my old hobbies. Ha!

Oh yeah, I thought this kind of interesting...check it out: "What if John McCain had won the White House?"

Monday, January 10, 2011

Finger pointing in Arizona shooting

article by:stacia_doss.
                Pictured: Congresswoman Gabrielle
Giffords (D-Arizona)
If by some chance, you are uninformed about any sort of important news, you've yet to hear about the Tucson, Arizona shootings. Six were killed and 12 others were wounded Saturday when a gunman opened fire outside a grocery store in Tucson, where congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was holding a constituent meeting, police said.

Among casualties were the deaths of a nine-year old girl, and U.S. District Judge John Roll. The young girl was invited by Giffords to get a glimpse of the political process. Judge Roll had served for nearly 40 years and had been a chief judge for the District of Arizona since 2006, according to

Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was shot in the head, but is said to be making good progress in her struggle towards recovery.

As the picture begins to come clear as to who the gunman was, 22-year old Jared L. Loughner of Tucson, many are pointing the finger at the Tea Party's use of volatile rhetoric to rowel up Americans like Loughner.

Both Judge Roll and Congresswoman Giffords, a democrat, had been threatened in the past for their support of issues revolving around support of civil-rights for illegal immigrants and "Obamacare", President Obama's health-care plan.

According to Caitie Parker, a young lady who claims to have been a former friend of Loughner's described him as a "left wing, quite liberal and oddly obsessed with the 2012 prophecy" . However, Giffords, the primary target, was a democrat.

No confirmed sources have proved what political affiliation Loughner was, yet the blame is being placed on both parties.

It is factual that Loughner appeared to be acting alone. Several reports have indicated his mental instability.

Honestly, it is an individual's own fault if he or she chooses to react irately to words, rulings, and otherwise. Regardless of Loughner's political affiliation, no one but him can be blamed for the brutal acts he committed on Saturday.

If he was in someway influenced by the recent hostile rhetoric between one party to the other, I only fear the emergence of copycats.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New year, new game plan.

written by:stacia_doss.
Happy New Year to everyone..I can't believe it is 2011!

The Titans finished their season off Sunday night with a 23-20 loss to the Indianapolis Colts. The question on many people's minds at this point is whether or not the team will keep long time coach, Jeff Fisher. I believe the wise decision would be to let him go for the benefit of the team.

My focus for the next few months will be more so on basketball than football, so look out for the shift of focus on posts of that subject.

What I hope to achieve in 2011 with "The Word:Unscripted" is more posts and contacting more people. I'm going to try to reach out locally and find out what's going on in my community to share and inform with readers of this page.

I'm open to any suggestions if you may have them..Thanks for visiting!